It’s interesting that you are questioning this because, now let us ask you a question, what defines the best of a mezcal? Perhaps it is the taste, the smell, the maguey, the region, or perhaps it is a combination of all these elements that make one mezcal better than another.

There are many competitions and tournaments in the mezcal world and each one places a higher or lower value on different aspects but, to be honest, we believe that the best mezcal is the one you like the most.

Ahhh, common cliché place, eh? Jokes aside, what do you think if we tell you the details and benefits of the different types of mezcals that you will surely find in the market? And that way, you can try them and then decide which one suits you the best.

Agave Espadín: this is one of the most common agaves available, it is very likely that no matter where you are in the world, if they sell mezcal, at least one will be of this type. Here you will find sweet, slightly herbaceous tones, you will notice some citrus fruits and it is totally crystalline.

Agave Tobalá: another well-known one, it will be at least in the top 5. It tends to have sweeter, chocolatey, vanilla tones, some tobacco and leather too. You can imagine that it is ideal for desserts and after-dinner drinks. And it truly is.

Agave Cuishe: a special agave as it is not as easy to reach as others. It is generally used in blends, joined with other agave because it has a more mineral flavor that, if it were alone, would be somewhat more difficult to drink. But don’t be fooled, its ivy and orange blossom flavors will win you over. It also goes very well with cocktails so go to our drinks section to try one!

Agave Tepextate: another agave that once it has been processed, gives you quite floral aromas. It is a very pleasant mezcal to try if you are just starting out in this world. You will perceive hints of lemon tea and light pepper along the way.

These are just a few examples but the world of mezcal is vast. As you will see, each maguey gives certain flavors but we must also take into account that the soil, the manufacturing process, fermentation and even fire and warmth can influence them. Each mezcal, even if it shares the same types of maguey, will have different flavors. We invite you to give yourself a chance to experience the range of flavors that mezcal has to offer.


González-Vizzuette (2017) El Mezcal: Una revisión química, tecnológica e histórica Vera A., et al. (2009) Compuestos volátiles aromáticos, generados durante la elaboración del mezcal de Agave angustifolia y Agave potatorum.